Contribute to GGRA
Our Mission is to build a bridge between a formerly incarcerated person's
Release and Reentry in order to facilitate their successful Reintegration into society.
When you give to The Greater Gwinnett Reentry Alliance, you are giving to an organization that believes in turning Second Chances into Better Chances. Your one-time or monthly contribution will be put into action serving returning citizens in the Greater Gwinnett County area.
We are a 501 (c)(3) organization and your donation may be considered tax-deductible.
Donate Online
Click the button below to give using a credit or debit card through PayPal.
(Your donation will appear as PayPal Giving Fund on your statement).
Donate by check
Please make checks payable to “Greater Gwinnett Reentry Alliance”
Mail to the GGRA treasurer’s office located at:
1475 Buford Drive, Ste. 403 # 715
Lawrenceville G,A 30043