July 20, 2021
What is GGRA?
We are an alliance of service providers, government agencies, and impacted citizens

Raising Awareness
With our annual symposium and reentry themed events throughout the year, we bring the community into the conversation in a fun and engaging way.
Upcoming Events ›
Resource Fairs
We host quarterly Resource Fairs where returning citizens can get connected with Housing, Employment, and Healthcare service providers
Watch our latest fair ›
Monthly Meetings
During the first week of the month we gather to collaborate and hear from speakers in the reentry arena
Upcoming Meetings ›Resource Portal
Our resource portal is a comprehensive listing of our Reentry Partners who make their services available to returning citizens in our community
Visit the Portal ›Barriers to Reentry

Research has shown that formerly incarcerated individuals who cannot find stable affordable housing are more likely to recidivate than those who do.
Learn More ›
Having a criminal record can make it difficult, or even impossible, for an individual to work in a given field, especially one that requires an occupational license.
Learn More ›Join our mailing list

Stay up to date with Reentry topics by joining our mailing list. Each month we will send you our newsletter, invites to luncheons and resource fairs, as well as news from our partner organizations. We will not share your information outside of GGRA.
Official Reentry Partners